October is National Farm to School Month, and everyone can celebrate it! Farm to School is a national movement that helps connect kids to healthy, local foods while also supporting local farmers and building communities. From taste tests in the cafeteria and nutrition education activities in the classroom, to farm visits and school garden harvest parties, more than 42,000 schools participate in Farm to School efforts. Check out the video below to learn more about Farm to School in Arizona and across the country!
Here at Double Up Food Bucks Arizona, we love fresh produce, and we love sharing ways to eat more of it. One of the best ways to promote healthy eating habits for your family every day is by adding more fruits and vegetables to your daily meals. Whether you have a picky eater at home, or you need a little help getting creative with your produce, these tips can help you add a healthy kick to any dish.
Heading back to school can be hectic for the whole family. You’ll want to be prepared, whether it’s shopping for school supplies or preparing easy, no-fuss recipes to get through the week. Stop by your local farmers market to double up on in-season produce and try out some of these simple recipes that will ease your transition into the new school year.
El Dia de “Halloween” está a la vuelta! Es tiempo de disfrazes, embrujos, familia, y usualmente muchas chucherías azucaradas. Este año, se puede asegurar que sus pequeños se diviertan mucho y cortar el zumbido de azúcar con bocadillos de frutas y verduras festivos. “What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash.” Halloween is just around the corner! It’s time for costumes, haunts, family, and usually lots of sugary snacks. This year, you can ensure your littles ones have tons of fun and cut down on the ghoulish sugar-buzz with festive fruit and veggie snacks. September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month – an opportunity to raise awareness about the state of children’s health across the country and explore ways to promote healthy weight and lifestyles. Here at Double Up Food Bucks Arizona, we love fresh produce, and we love sharing ways to eat more of it. One of the best ways to promote healthy weight for your family every day is by adding more fruits and vegetables to your meals. Whether you have a picky eater at home, or you need a little help getting creative with your produce, these tips can help you add a healthy kick to any dish. Cuando un mercado de agricultores abre en una vecindad, la entera comunidad se beneficia. Estos mercados comúnmente se vuelven puntos de acceso importantes para que los miembros de la comunidad que más lo necesitan puedan tener alimento sano. Esta semana, estamos destacando a más mercados en Arizona que van más allá en abogar por alimento saludable para todos mientras participamos en la Celebración de Las Tierras de Cultivo de American Farmland Trust.
When a farmers market opens in a neighborhood, the entire community benefits. These markets often act as important points of access for healthy food for community members who need it the most. This week, we’re highlighting more Arizona markets that go above and beyond in championing healthy food for all as we take part in the American Farmland Trust’s Farmers Market Celebration.
Marzo 6-10 marca la Semana Nacional de Desayuno Escolar. El tema de este año, "Tome el desafío del desayuno escolar", anima a los padres, estudiantes y funcionarios de la escuela a comenzar la mañana con un desayuno saludable. A medida que esta celebración de una semana se termina, vamos a intentar lo mejor para practicar lo que aprendimos esta semana todos los días! Para ayudar, hemos recolectado tres deliciosas recetas de nutrición que puede hacer con su cocinerito favorito para ayudar a comenzar el día bien!
It’s National School Breakfast Week, and this year’s “School Breakfast Challenge” encourages parents, students and school officials to start the morning with a healthy breakfast. As this weeklong celebration wraps up, let’s try our best to practice what we learned this week. To help, we have gathered three yummy, nutritious recipes that you can make with your favorite mini chef to help start the day off right!
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April 2019