It can be daunting to plan meals for the whole family, but a little bit of preparation can stretch your food dollars and save you time. Knowing what you want to eat for dinner before you go shopping will also help eliminate excess food waste, and help you stick to a weekly budget. We came up with a week’s worth of dinner recipes for you and your family to try out. With so many great options at our farmers markets, the possibilities are endless! Double Up on your produce and double down on your dinner plans with these great ideas.
Whether you’re having friends and family over for a big barbecue or just spending some quality time by the pool, planning out your snacks and beverages will ensure you have a fun, fresh, and relaxing 4th of July! We’ve rounded up some of our favorite recipes that don’t require turning on your oven and will be healthy and refreshing in this summer heat. Head to your favorite farmers market to Double Up on everything you’ll need to make these festive treats!
Los pimentones, cebollas, melones y elotes están de temporada aquí en Arizona. Todos estos ingredientes son maravillosos para hacer salsa, que puede condimentar cualquier plato de verano. Doblete sus destrezas para hacer salsa y pruebe estas recetas. Usted puede encontrar todos estos ingredientes y más en su mercado de agricultores local!
Peppers, onions, melons and corn are all in season here in Arizona. All of these ingredients are great for making salsa, which can spice up any summer dish. Double up on your salsa making skills and try these delicious recipes. You can find all of these ingredients and more at your favorite local farmers market!
Después que sus fiestas se terminen, pudiera encontrarse con un refrigerador llena de sobras , incluyendo todas las frutas y verduras que usted compra el doble en su mercado de agricultura local. Piensalo antes de tirarlos – las sobras pueden ser tan excitantes y deliciosas como el platillo mismo y usarlos puede eliminar desperdicio de comida. Once your holiday parties are over, you might find yourself with a fridge full of leftovers, including all the fruits and veggies you doubled up on at your local farmers market. Think twice before you toss them – leftovers can be just as exciting and delicious as the meal itself, and using them can help eliminate food waste. The holidays are often a time when families gather and share a meal. While comfort foods are common during these family gatherings, it is still important to make healthy choices and eat mindfully. Many favorite holiday dishes can be given a healthy twist. You can substitute canned fruits and vegetables for fresh produce, and many yummy foods can be baked instead of fried. Get your family in the kitchen and whip up some of these healthy takes on holiday favorites. SNAP customers can double up on any of the fruits and veggies in these recipes for twice the holiday cheer! “What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Squash.” Halloween is just around the corner! It’s time for costumes, haunts, family, and usually lots of sugary snacks. This year, you can ensure your littles ones have tons of fun and cut down on the ghoulish sugar-buzz with festive fruit and veggie snacks. Double Up on fruits, veggies, and delicious recipes to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month10/13/2017 National Hispanic Heritage Month wraps up this week, but there’s still time to celebrate with some festive and appetizing eats.
Planting and harvesting may be the last tasks on your mind during our Arizona summers, but the heat doesn’t mean you have to hang up your gardening gloves for the season. There are tons of edible plants you can grow during the summer, whether it’s in the comfort of your own home or outside. Spice up your summer meals and keep your thumb green with these home-grown veggies and herbs!
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April 2019