If food safety is like a highway, where are you? Going full speed ahead – or still at home, planning your route?
Pinnacle Prevention is pleased to offer a 2-part series of tiered food safety trainings, specifically for Arizona growers. We take a peer-to-peer approach to identifying and managing food safety risks on small-scale fruit and vegetable farms. This is a great opportunity for those just getting started in the world of farm food safety - for anyone that wants to learn about on-farm hazards related to the 4 W's: workers, waste, wildlife, and water. |
Tier 1 Training is a FREE on-farm, peer-to-peer workshop that discusses the 4 W’s of on-farm hazards: workers, waste, wildlife, and water. A shared meal and farm tour will be provided. Expect to spend 4-5 hours learning alongside fellow farmers.
Tier 2 Training is a FREE opportunity to put pencil to paper and work on a Risk Assessment Document – breaking down those 4 W’s in a dedicated, focused space – with peers and experts in the room to support your process. What are your risks, and how will you manage them? Snacks will be provided. Expect to spend 3-4 hours filling out the Risk Assessment Document. |
Pinnacle Prevention’s trainings are not necessarily part of an audit or regulation, but rather the first step in learning about and managing on-farm food safety risks.
Farms of all sizes can take steps to produce safe(r) food. We are here to support farmers to get to where they want to be. Pinnacle Prevention offers these free trainings in partnership with our regional food safety partners, including Albuquerque-based La Montañita Co-op’s Four Corners Region GroupGAP program. Our team can help you get connected to other expert resources in our region, including help with third party audits and FSMA compliance. Training dates, times, and locations will be determined by the farmers attending the training. We are now seeking host farmers for the Tier I trainings. To host an on-farm training or get involved, contact Farm to Fork Programs Manager Kelley Villa by using the form below, or calling 480-307-6360. |